My last day today, time has really flown by :>( The flight from en route from the Falklands leaves Ascension at 22:50 tonight so I only have the daylight hours to play radio again. I hope to get another morning opening to Europe - fingers crossed! I am really covered in mosquito bites this morning. They must have come from last night�s operating as my CW went to pot from my continual efforts to stop the damn things from biting me! My feet have about two bites per square centimetre! I should have bought some insect repellent I think. Other visitors please note!
The One Boat golf course rumoured
to be the worst golf course in the world according Wow! A brilliant three-hour opening to Europe became my swan song. The band opened at 12:40 and my last QSO was at 15:55. In between, I worked over 150 stations from all over Europe including many new G stations. A surprise later in the day was EI5FK at 59+. It was a tough opening because signals came and went very quickly with extreme QSB. Sometimes they came back to my CQ at 59 and I never heard from them again! Trying to get full calls was occasionally very difficult and I wasted a lot of time trying to do so. However, it was really fun and I'm now pretty hoarse from all the yelling. This really made my trip worthwhile. New countries included: T7 and EI.
Johnny and Lenny came around about 18:00 and we knocked the station down very
quickly and managed to get everything into the cases which was a bit of surprise
because of all the extra junk I�m taking back. This includes the obligatory
�Ascension Island� tee-shirts for the kids and I�m bring back a piece of red
volcanic rock for Ted, G4UPS to remind him of his stay on the island (he doesn�t
know yet!) We went up to the Volcano Snack Bar and had some beer and sandwiches.
I we chinked the glasses and made a toast to 6m and I thanked them for all their
help. I�ve now gone through customs only to discover my flights HAD been
changed to Saturday anyway and they now had to be changed back to today. Oh
well, if I had known I might have stayed on but I do have to be back in the UK
tomorrow really (I learned later that there had been a good opening to the USA
and Hawaii at 19:30 which I had missed!). "DX de k1tol: 50033.0 ZD8VHF/B ii22>fn44!! 1431Z " I�m sitting in the departure lounge now writing this tale wondering if the in-coming flight from the Falkland Islands is going to be on time and wondering if we are going to be plagued by problems again. By the way, I discovered that this week�s Monday evening flight left and arrived on time! Well the flight arrived and landed on time anyway at 20:50. Sod's law I suppose and I am now back in flooded UK. |